Anime legend Mamoru Oshii wrote and directed this eagerly awaited sequel to his groundbreaking sci-fi drama Ghost in the Shell, which follows the continued adventures of futuristic crime fighters Batou (voice of Akio Otsuka) and Togusa (voice of Kouichi Yamadera).
It's the year 2032, and Batou and Togusa have been assigned by the anti-terrorist force Sector 9 to track down several "gynoids" ? androids designed to resemble human females and programmed for pleasure ? who have gone on a murder spree. With the help of an android-technology expert named Kim (voice of Naoto Takenaka), Batou and Togusa find themselves following the trail of Locus Solus, an outlaw organization that may be responsible for turning the gynoids into murderers. As he digs deeper into the investigation, Batou finds himself thinking back to his times with former colleague Major (voice of Atsuko Tanaka) and pondering the notion of love and attachment in an increasingly unnatural world.
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence was screened in competition at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival.