Korean drama on an unprecedented scale, Damo tells a tale of love, conspiracy, loyalty, and honor. Taking place in Korea during the 17th century, the story focuses on the destinies of three central characters. Damo sets a new standard with dazzling special effects, breathtaking cinematography, and mystical martial art scenes.
A case of counterfeiting money troubles the Police Bureau of Hansung, the old capital city of Korea. Jang Chae-Ohk (Ha Ji-Won), a young lady police detective, is sent by Commander Hwangbo Yoon (Lee Seo-Jin) to investigate the case. However, what appears to be a small case of counterfeiting turns out to be a much larger national conspiracy. Soon, Chae-Ohk finds herself faced with an insurrection lead by the very charismatic, Jang Sung-Baek (Kim Min-Joon).
A man of the law, Commander Hwangbo Yoon is set on clearing the government of corruption. A man of the people, J ang Sung-Baek focuses only on tearing down social hierarchy and creating a world of equality. Amid a whirlwind of evil much larger than anyone could have imagined, Chae-Ohk must fulfill her destiny and become the legendary lady detective - Damo!